Monday, November 25, 2013

Château de Versailles

 Versailles - the home of the Parisian Royalty. One of the most beautiful and ornate palaces. It just takes your breath away, it is what Disney tried to capture. From the golden gates to the endless meticulously manicured gardens, just stunning.

The gardens went on forever and even in person were hard to believe and imagine their scope!

Fountains galore - there had to be hundreds of gardens throughout this massiveee complex

Walking around inside, trying to take it all in..

Above is the onsite cathedral 


I was a little obsessed with the paintings

The Hall of Mirrors
Look at the stunning chandeliers, gold accents, paintings and perfect symmetry. This is the hallway to the king and queen's bedrooms. Can you imagine?!

This is the king's main bedroom

Another walk down the hall way and you are at the queen's bedroom

Even the staircases are beautiful!

Front solid gold gate to the palace

Roaming the gardens

Here comes the rain, this whole day was off and on epic downpours. 
look at these poor people below hovering behind an umbrella

With that rain storm passed, it's time to stroll through the mazes full of statues, fountains and mystery

Versailles is famous for their fountains, bot only are there hundreds and they are beautiful, but they are choreographed (to music) water shows throughout the entire complex every hour or so

Moving past the main palace grounds, we head towards the outer buildings including Marie Antoinette's private get away that she was so famous for

This whole place was just beyond stunning. This was a sitting room, notice the harp and piano as well as tables for playing cards. Picture Downton, but for a queen

 More rooms for entertainment, but then again it's hard to imagine a time before laptops, tv, radios and everything we entertain ourselves with today.

 Again, all this is just the queen's private get away - in case the gigantic palace got a little cramped

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