Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rome: The Vatican

These pictures are mostly of the Vatican, however the first several are of typcial Rome must see's. There are a lot of the Vatican, but they are worth seeing. I probably took 5,000 pictures in Rome alone, so it was tough to pick even the bunch I have here.

 This is another picture from the Pantheon.

 Yep, that is the Trevi Fountain =) It was beautiful, I couldn't believe I was really there!

 The thing to do at the Trevi Fountain is to throw a coin in and then someday you will end up back in Rome. It sounds like a nice publicity stunt to me or a self-fullfilled prophecy sort of thing. But I wouldn't mind going back to Rome, so threw one in and loved it.

 These are the Spanish Steps.

We went to this really trendy area across from the Spanish Steps-it was amazing! There were tons of designer stores that when you walked in, you felt like a princess or something. I know that it's girly, but I have never seen so many desginers in one place-these were stores that celebrities shop at sort of deal. I would never even consider buying something at these places, they are so ridiculously expensive! But they are fabulous to look at nonetheless.

 This was our first dinner in Italy. We were brave and got fried calamari, I figured since Italy is one of those places you should get seafood, I would be daring and try some. And they were actually pretty tastey! Notice even the butter looks fancy-in little rose shaped balls.

 Of course, we got pasta as the main dish. Mark got a tortellini and I got something like a cabanara, they were deliscious!

 From this picture on is the Vatican. Even if you aren't religious at all, you have to appreciate the intricate and vast collection of artwork the Vatican possesses.

Look at these huge bathtubs!

 In the middle of this room is yet another bath-it was just ridiculously big!

 Even every dingle corner of the floor was ornately designed. There was no window, doorway, column, ceiling, corner, or wall left unordained with magnificentness.

Of course, I have no pictures of the Sistine Chapel by done by Michaelangelo (no cameras allowed), but this painting is a classic one I know I have seen many times before. It was so exciting to see so many famous paintings and sculptures.

 Welcome to Saint Peters Bascilia-it was so prestigious. You just ahd to be impressed by the magnificent and larger-than-life sensation felt in this building.

 It's considered good luck to rub his foot (St. Peter)

Hope you enjoyed this mere snapshot of the Vatican! I will be posting pictures from the rest of Rome and Pisa on Tuesday, then onto Florence!


  1. Soo incredibly ornate and beautiful. What we see is just a fraction of the enormous art work and architecture around you. It must have been overwhelming to take in so much so quickly.

  2. The ornate magnificence of the buildings is unbeleiveable. I'm overwhelmed and over-stimulated just looking at your pictures. I tried to imagine standing there beside you seeing all of this at once - beauty very single spot - and I couldn't imagine how I would react to it. But I know I;d take a thousand pictures like you did. Your pix are amazing. I love the different angles you captured to get a sense of the size and extensiveness.
