Here are the first batc of pics from yesterday. It takes forever for the pics to load onto here and I want to get going on my day, so will upload more later. These are of a mountain village in the Troodos! It was very pretty and quaint.
I just love the pictures of the homes/buidlings with the plants and trees around them. The one 2nd from the top is especially beautiful. These are the pictures that make us feel like you are really in the Mediterannean and I so appreciate you sharing...oh and love the olive trees!
It it so fun to get on here and look at all your pictures and see what looks like another world! The plants there are so awesome looking. I am glad you are having the time of your life, hope all else is going well, and I hope your are feeling better.
I just love the pictures of the homes/buidlings with the plants and trees around them. The one 2nd from the top is especially beautiful. These are the pictures that make us feel like you are really in the Mediterannean and I so appreciate you sharing...oh and love the olive trees!
ReplyDeleteIt it so fun to get on here and look at all your pictures and see what looks like another world! The plants there are so awesome looking. I am glad you are having the time of your life, hope all else is going well, and I hope your are feeling better.